And what are we up to today?
The Comment Hall of Fame5/7/2014 Let's get this going right.
The Hall of Fame: responses to the news about One Door Closes and subscribing to the newsletter: Best Use of Imagery "My lady, I humbly accept your invitation with the most profound sincerity and gratitude. Madam author, I shall await your future works of literature with much titillating anticipation, like that of a bull moose in the early whisper of spring awaiting a female. Or that of a Wal-Mart shopper on payday waiting for his meth dealer to call him back. Magnanimously, Your loyal supporter" Best Troll "Dear pretentious author aka Mz. Lindsey, I stumbled upon your site by chance, or maybe just bad luck, and I just have to say this: you are my new least favorite author. I can't wait to send you hate letter after hate letter detailing everything that I think is wrong with your books and your website. The appalling forest scene (who needs trees, anyway?) and the egregious cursive. My eyes are watering as I type this. And no, to answer your dismal question, I do NOT want to be a part of your "newsletter." Sincerely, your least favorite fan" (J, you are my favorite troll... ^_^) Win a spot in the Hall of Fame! Comment below, or here.
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July 2020